Sales process

Sales funnel vs Sales pipeline

When it comes to selling, there are two key players in any deal: buyers and sellers. The buyer is the person who makes a purchase decision, while the seller is responsible for selling the product or service that they want. As a marketer, it's important to understand how these two groups interact with each other over time as well as what happens once someone decides on one side or another. In this post, we'll explore the concept of "funnels" and why they're much more than just visual metaphors for sales processes. they actually represent real opportunities for marketers

By Africa 118

7 Guidelines to Optimize Your Sales Pipeline


In the world of sales, it's easy to get overwhelmed by all of the noise. You might hear about your competitors' latest strategies, or read an article on how to optimize your sales pipeline. But what does that mean? If you're not sure where to start or how to build out a solid sales process, then this guide is for you! We'll break down each step in improving your pipeline so that you can start seeing results today—and tomorrow too!.

Create a solid sales process.

To create a solid sales process, you need to define the problem before starting on a solution. Before you begin brainstorming ideas for your product or service, ask yourself: What do I want my customers to achieve? How will they benefit from using it? What are their goals and expectations in terms of results?

Once you've answered these questions, it's time to start thinking about solutions. You don't have to worry about what other people's goals are because there are no right answers—just make sure yours align with theirs. For example, if someone wants weight loss but doesn't know how much exercise she needs each week (or even how many calories), then her goal isn't going anywhere unless she has an idea of where she should begin from day one (such as setting daily calorie limits). If someone wants more money in his pocket but lacks any data on his current financial situation or spending habits (like he keeps track of expenses online), then neither can be achieved without some level of planning beforehand."

Develop a clear value proposition.

TDevelop a clear value proposition. A value proposition is a reason why your prospect will choose to buy from you over any other company's product or service. It should be clear, concise and easy to understand, but also persuasive and compelling enough that your prospects will feel compelled to act on it.

A good example of a well-crafted sales pipeline benefit might be "You'll always receive the latest version of the software we offer." This statement makes it clear in no uncertain terms: our product is reliable; it has been tested thoroughly by our staff (and not just us); we stand behind what we sell 100 per cent; etc., etc., etc...

Identify your key decision-makers.

Your sales pipeline should not be a list of everyone who has ever reached out to you, but rather a list of the people who are most likely to buy from you. You can do this by identifying the right people to talk to at the right time and making sure that each contact has been properly prioritized in terms of their level of importance and value for your business.

Don’t waste time talking with anyone who doesn’t have an interest in buying from you or does not fit into one or more categories: if someone is interested in hiring an interior designer for their new office space, then he/she shouldn't also be interested in purchasing all those fancy expensive furniture items from Ikea!

Create a prospecting script tailored to your target audience.

The first step to improving your sales pipeline is to know who you're talking to. You need a prospecting script that targets the right audience, and this can be done with a few simple questions.

The following are examples of some common questions used in prospecting scripts:

  • What is your company's goal for 2018?
  • How many employees does your company have now, and how many will it have next year? (You'll want to make sure that these figures are accurate by asking current employees if they know.)
  • When was the last time something happened at work that could impact our business relationship (such as an acquisition)?

Build solid relationships with your prospects.

Building relationships with your prospects is one of the most important things you can do to optimize your sales pipeline. It's not just about having a high-quality product or service, it's about building a relationship that goes beyond what business transactions are between two parties.

The first step is asking questions! Don't be afraid to ask questions and get to know who they are as people. This will help build trust, which is essential for building strong connections with customers in general (and specifically).

Don't just talk about business; make sure you're also talking about life outside work hours too! Be patient with this process; it takes time for relationships to develop naturally between people who aren't necessarily friends yet—that's okay because sometimes we need some time alone together before connecting on deeper levels later down the road."

Build processes to track and optimize your sales pipeline.

In order to optimize your sales pipeline and make it more effective, you need to build processes. These processes can be as simple as tracking leads through the life cycle of their buying process or they may include a CRM system that allows you to track all leads in one place.

There are also other options available such as lead management systems and automation platforms which allow companies to create automated follow-ups with prospective customers who have shown interest in purchasing products or services from them via email or phone calls. These tools allow salespeople who are responsible for handling these types of inquiries on behalf of their company's marketing team (or another department) access information about each individual contact so they know exactly what needs doing next—and when!

Integrate AI and machine learning into your sales process.

AI and machine learning can help you with:

  • Identifying prospects. AI and ML can be used to identify the right people for your business, based on their behavioural patterns and preferences. This will help you save time by avoiding unnecessary cold calls, as well as increase sales pipeline efficiency by increasing the number of qualified leads.
  • Improving sales pitch quality. Using an automated system that analyzes a lead’s interests, buying habits and more can allow you to craft an effective message based on what they want or need!
  • Improving sales process efficiency with automation tools like DocuSign or Google Forms (which we'll talk about later). These tools allow users to create documents automatically with hundreds of fields pre-populated so they don't have too many extra steps when creating content - which makes it easier for everyone involved!

With these tips, you can start optimizing your sales pipeline today.

The first step to creating a sales pipeline is understanding the different stages of the process. Each stage has its own steps, tools and goals.

The next step is determining what type of customer you want to target with your business:

  • Immediate Value - customers who have immediate value for your product or service, such as those looking for immediate help with their problem or need. They are ready and willing to buy now without having to go through the research process first; this type of customer usually requires a very short sales cycle time (less than 24 hours).
  • Immediate Value - customers who have immediate value for your product or service, such as those looking for immediate help with their problem or need. They are ready and willing to buy now without having to go through the research process first; this type of customer usually requires a very short sales cycle time (less than 24 hours).


If you've reached this point and are still considering implementing sales pipeline optimization, congratulations! You've taken the first steps toward a more efficient sales process. The next step is to review your current processes, identify any gaps in the system, and create solutions according to these guidelines.